Microservices project

This repository contains the source code and deliverables from Group 11 for the course 02267 Software Development of Web Services held in January 2021 at the Technical University of Denmark, DTU.
The system consists of four microservices called Payment-service, Token-service, Account-service and Report-service. A REST interfaces giving an outside interface for the system exists as well. The Client application is used for executing end-to-end tests.
The system is no longer running
The microservices was running on a virtual-machine given by DTU Compute. The
base URL for the virtual-machine is g-11.compute.dtu.dk
. The main REST interface is listening on port 8080
, so for accessing it you would go to g-11.compute.dtu.dk:8080
. The report service used for managerial purposes is found on port 8083
. You can access the Swagger UI by appending /swagger-ui
at the end of the URL.
A overview of the system can be seen on the diagram below.

The REST project holds the unified REST interface for the system. Essentially, all it does it take in a HTTP request and then map it to a respective RabbitMQ message to the internal microservices.
The purpose of the payment-service is to execute money transfers with the FastMoney bank, both regular payments and refunds. This will be triggered by a message sent from the REST project.
Token-service is used by the customer application to request tokens and by the merchant to ask for one of these tokens on behalf of the customer during a payment situation. Therefore token-service functionality is also triggered in payment situations when it has to validate the token that is given for the payment.
The account service keeps track of the user accounts that exist in DTUPay. It interacts with the 3rd party FastMoney BankService who controls the bank accounts. It is essentially used for user management of DTUPay.
The report service is used to generate reports for the customers, merchants and managers of the system. It does this by always listening for messages that indicate whether a payment has succeeded or not, and then records that such that it can be used for reporting later. Report-service has its own REST interface that managers can use and generate these reports from.
This project attempts to emulate an actual usage of the system as seen from the client. It contains both simulations for the customer application and the merchant application. It uses these applications in the end-to-end tests.
To fetch the OpenAPI specification for the system, you can execute the following CURL command. Change the port to get the specification for
the respective service. 8080
for the unified REST interfance and 8083
for the report service. These specifications also exist in the root of the project as openapi-spec-dtupay-api.yml
and openapi-spec-management-api
curl -o openapi-spec.yml g-11.compute.dtu.dk:8080/openapi
To build and install the system locally using docker, execute the following script. Docker and docker-compose is required.
Essentially what this script will do is first package all of the services, build their Docker containers, and then use docker-compose to configure to the containers for you and run them. You can use the mvn_package_all.sh
script only building the executable binaries if desirable.
- Tobias Rydberg (s173899)
- Sebastian Lindhard Budsted (s135243)
- Daniel Larsen (s151641)
- Emil Kosiara (s174265)
- Troels Lund (s161791)
- Kasper L. Stilling (s141250)