
This blog page is primarily for myself, so that in 10 years I can remember some of the small projects and experiments I have done over time. Some of them are based on lecture notes, others on assignments, and some are just hobby projects. If others want to read along, they are welcome, although not all posts are polished, so please refrain from being too judgmental.

Automating my macOS Setup

BashShell ScriptingZshmacOS

A walk trough of how i have streamlined my macOS setup process with automation scripts for system customization and enhanced productivity.

6. semester


Vores projekt pitch vandt over de andre 62 projekter, og kun et enkelt point fra det maximalt opnåelige.

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Femte semester

Machine learningPython

Jeg glæder mig til at lære om grundlæggende data science, og håber på at kunne implementere en masse fede ML projekter i løbet af semesteret, måske med et inovativt twist? - Nu må vi se hvor inovativ jeg bliver efter Innovation Piloten.

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